Causal Argument- oaktree1234

Straight-a students don’t always get everything right. In high school, you probably never would have guessed that the boy in the back of the class with mediocre grades would go on to encounter more success in the business world than anyone else. It happens more often than we’re willing to believe. Although they may display excellence in the classroom, above average students do not always experience the same success beyond graduation. It may sound counterintuitive but achieving good grades in high school does not directly cause a successful career later in life. 

“If you always succeed in school, you’re not setting yourself up for success in life,” Dr. Grant, organizational psychologist, explains that good grades can only get you so far. After your first year out of college there is almost no correlation between grades and job performance. “For example at google, once employees are two or three years out of college, their grades have no bearing on their performance,” Grant explains in his NY times article. Although one’s education may help them prepare for their desired path of work, in the long run, it won’t have too much impact. The issue is that those who get good grades aren’t necessarily prepared for the workforce, they just know how to memorize information. Also, Traditional schooling does not evaluate creativity, problem solving ability, and many of the other traits that will be utilized in the workplace. Students in the top of the class are also more likely to miss out on social/real world experiences that may be more useful to them. 

For many outstanding students who fall behind in the real world, it wasn’t what they did in high school that put them at a disadvantage but what they didn’t do. For the majority of these exceptional students, they never experienced a teacher failing their project or being told they could resubmit their essay for a passing grade. Although this is not entirely their fault, it does put them at a disadvantage in some ways. When they enter the workforce they will eventually have a boss or overseer that will not be pleased with their work. Since they have had little experience with failure, they will not be equipped with the skills needed to overcome the situation. “Parents tend to see their mission as helping their kids succeed. But there’s a growing realization among teachers and other professionals who work with children that kids increasingly need help learning how to fail. Not learning to tolerate failure leaves them vulnerable to anxiety,” Beth Arky with the Child Mind Institute explains. By facing failure at a young age, individuals accept failure as a part of life and do not respond as negatively to it later on.

The case is always made that these exceptional students are more likely to receive a higher corporate position or ‘better’ job than their B minus counterparts. Although an outstanding high school or college transcript is a wonderful asset to have when applying for a job, it’s important to acknowledge the logistics of this said advantage. Although you may have been “one in a million” in your graduating class, remember how many highschools are in your state as well as your country. There are always going to be other valedictorians and straight-a students applying for the same position. In the United States, about 25,000 valedictorians and another 25,000 salutatorians graduate each year, according to the National Center for Educational Statistics. This is not taking into consideration the amount of students who graduate in the top ten, achieved straight a’s, and other notable academic accomplishments. These above average students commonly lack the qualities that will set them apart from other applicants. Meanwhile, the individual who did not receive impressively high grades may stand out in other ways, such as displaying good time management skills by working or volunteering in addition to attending school. These qualities, such as, wit, creativity, drive, and empathy, cannot be developed in the classroom.  Although academic excellence is a wonderful asset to have, it’s what that individual does with it that counts.       

The biggest reason good students struggle in the real world is that school is very different from work. “In school, in order to get the grade, you learned to provide the authority figure—the teacher—what he or she wanted. In the workplace, that translates into asking ‘good girl’ questions: ‘What does this boss want from me? Which of my boss’s needs aren’t being met? What do I need to do to get an A?” Whitney Johnson, author of Dare, Dream, Do explains the difference between educational success and corporate success, in an article for the Harvard Business Review. “This approach may get you some initial gold stars, but it won’t get you what you really want, which is to be an indispensable player, not just to your boss, but in your industry. To become an all-star, you need to develop a new skill: you need to learn how to challenge and influence authority, rather than simply giving the authority figures what they want.” Most straight-a students have dismissed the idea of thinking outside of the box. Their educational career has taught them to do exactly what they’re supposed to with no room for no ideas or questions. This mindset may allow the individual to keep their job but not be promoted or earn a raise. 

The educational system in place hounds young students with the constant reminder that A’s are the direct cause for success. Although this mindset isn’t completely inaccurate, it’s quite flawed. The issue arises when students and officials believe that strong academic performance can single handedly get someone to “the top of the food chain”. It’s becoming more and more apparent in today’s society that the workforce demands more than strong mathematical skills and good grammar. Strong determination, creativity, passion, and companionship are far more likely to be the cause for a student’s success later in life. 


Beth Arky. “Help Kids Learn to Fail: Building Self-Esteem in Children.” Child Mind Institute, 29 June 2020, 

Grant, Adam. “What Straight-A Students Get Wrong.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 8 Dec. 2018, 

Lepore, Meredith. “The ‘Straight A’s Complex’ Might Turn You Into A Failure At Work.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 24 Apr. 2013, “The NCES Fast Facts Tool Provides Quick Answers to Many Education Questions (National Center for Education Statistics).” National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Home Page, a Part of the U.S. Department of Education,

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2 Responses to Causal Argument- oaktree1234

  1. davidbdale says:

    Right on track, Oaktree, and beautifully written. It does not break much new ground, to be honest, but it defends its simple premise well. What it could really use is some powerful evidence from INSIDE the business world. It’s all well and good to have psychologists, education writers, and NYTimes reporters declare that academic achievement is not worth much in the corporate world, but it would be more convincing if we got that from bosses. What do THEY say they look for in a resume? Your evidence is theoretical; better proofs are quantitative.

    The educational system in place hounds young students with the constant reminder that A’s are the direct cause for success.

    This isn’t quite accurate, is it? The educational system is quite right that As are a good indicator of SCHOLASTIC success.


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