Safer Saws – Christianity19

  1. Manufacturers- “The blade disappears and won’t tear apart the meat.” This is a casual claim as it is saying that the blade won’t tear apart the meat and it will eventually stop. It makes it much better than the saw chopping off a your arm or something else.
  2. Customers- “The date range for the trend analysis covered a timespan before the voluntary standard for table saws required the product to be equipped with MBGs (2004 to 2009) and a timespan after the voluntary standard requirements became effective on most table saws (2010 to 2015).” This is a factual claim as it says the product to be equipped with MBGs (2004 to 2009) and a timespan after the voluntary standard requirements became effective on most table saws (2010 to 2015). This comes from actual customers that advocate from the actual experience of the safer saws.
  3. Industry Spokespeople- “They say the market for popular, lightweight saws costing as little as $100 to $200 would be destroyed by the added expense of saw stop.” This is an evaluative claim because this is not factual but rather based on judgment. We don’t know if the the saw stopper machine would make the market or not.
  4. Consumer Safety Advocates- “About 150 have been filed in recent years, focusing on the companies’ decision not to use available safety technology.” This can be looked at as a comparative claim and a factual claim. This is because it is being used as a source to advocate that customers would want a safer saw with the blade stopping technology as they shop for saws on the market.
  5. Injured plaintiffs-  “Each year, more than 67,000 U.S. workers and do-it-yourselfers suffer blade contact injuries, according to government estimates, including more than 33,000 injuries treated in emergency rooms and 4,000 amputations.” This is a factual and numerical claim as it says how many people have been dismembered by table top saws and also how much people got injured every single year from saws.
  6. Personal Injury Lawyers- “Every year, thousands of people are severely injured after using table saws. For more than a decade, flesh-sensing safety technology has been available that could prevent almost all table saw injuries. Unfortunately, the manufacturers have refused to adopt it.” This is a casual claim as it says that if these safety features were in place these people would not have lost limbs and they would have made those companies look bad. If there was safety precautions put in place people would not be injured as severely.
  7. Government Officials-” CPSC’s proposed rulemaking, and mentioned that the comment period was open.” This is a causal claim saying that because of different government regulations it many be more expensive to buy.
  8. News Reporters- “This week some of the nation’s biggest power tool companies sent their executives to Washington. They came to argue against tougher safety mandates for so-called table saws, the popular power tools with large open spinning blades.” This a casual claim because the networks were talking about this and how it was a big deal to have safer saws.

About christianity19

I'm a 20-year old that likes playing sports and spending time with friends and family.
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