White Paper- gabythefujoshi

Working Hypothesis 1:

“Normalizing mental health and making it mainstream to the youth of today is more detrimental in the process riding the cultural stigma of mental health awareness.”

“We need to stop talking about mental health”

Working Hypothesis 2:

“Proper representation of minority groups amongst mental health advocates would encourage the latin community to be more accepting of their loved ones or people they know having mental health issues”

“White Americans need to stop discussing mental health”

“There should be proper representation of minority groups amongst mental health advocates to encourage the latin community to be more accepting in acknowledging mental illnesses.”

“White Americans need to stop discussing mental health and better representation of minority groups should be provided to rid of the cultural stigma in latin communities.”

“The Americanization of Mental Health”

The enhanced scientific knowledge involving mental health illnesses is beginning to be further globalized across the world. America pushing its new found research of these mental health disorders will help with understanding the biological basis of psychic suffering, which will hopefully decline the stigma that surrounds mental illnesses. For almost half a century, countries outside of the U.S have adapted the biomedical conceptions of mental illnesses and have become more literate in discussing mental disorders.

A great example of America’s influence on international understanding of mental health disorders was in Hong Kong, China in regards to anorexia nervosa. A psychiatrist by the name of Dr. Sing Lee was doing research on anorexia nervosa in the late 80s and 90s, trying to understand the rarity and causes of the illness. In the process of him publishing his research, an anorexic girl collasped and died on a busy street in Hong Kong in late 1994. Suddenly, people’s view of anorexia shifted, especially with news reporters using American diagnoses of anorexia to explain what led to her death. It had been understood that the anorexia disorder of China was the same as in America, so the nature behind the disease, it’s causes and effects, were better understand by researchers like Dr. Sing Lee and the public.

While countries outside of the United States are accepting of the science behind mental disorders, the stigma behind having these disorders is still a prevalent issue in those countries. Yes, there is a better understanding thanks to the advanced technology and research the U.S has provided, and there is more acceptance of mental illnesses as something that needs to be treated like any other physical disease. However, pushing these biomedical/genetic beliefs regarding these disorders actually makes one stigmatize people with mental health disorders even more dangers to society. There is also the issue with the distinct culture views of these countries that may view mental health through a spiritual or religious point of view. The U.S has a bad history of imposing their beliefs and knowledge to other countries that have distinct cultures, and it’s always ended badly; this is no exception. Having the latest mental-health theories isn’t going to solve the cultural stigma of mental health, if anything, it strays away these cultures and further puts mental health into a bad light.

*Argumentative- Compared to centuries ago, where doctors drilled holes in people’s skulls as a way to combat their “evil spirits”, we are in a much better place

Definition Essay- What Exactly is Cultural Stigma? And why is it detrimental to Mental Health?

Cause/Effect Essay- How have White Americans made a contribution to this? How Does Normalizing of Mental Health by Americans Make it less Accessible to Minority Groups?

Rebuttal Essay-

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