Strong Open

Initial: Education can be very important to a person’s life. It can show or teach them new things that they never knew and help guide them in life. Traditional learning was in full effect until the Coronavirus took full effect, killing 2.57 million people worldwide. This virus caused schools to move fully online in hopes of slowing the spread and transmission of the virus. Some students were most likely relieved to be away from the school building and atmosphere, but others were scared, anxious, confused and worried about how this online school system was going to work and how they were really going to learn. This virus was something that the world had never faced before and it took all of us by surprise and turned our entire lives upside. Even through all this some people still ask the question “will schools reopen back to normal or will it still be online.” 

For the 21-22 school year in person classes will be held, but not all students will be pleased to hear that due to the advantages online school serves. Online courses allow you to roll directly out of bed, turn your computer on, and sign into your class, while traditional classes allow you to build a relationship with your professor easily. Students will have to actually learn the information they were taught for in person tests again. Yes the virus is still here and has taken a toll on everyone. The benefits of going in person are much greater than continuing virtual school, for the students, teachers, parents and economy.   

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