14 Class WED MAR 10

Wake Up 1

  • Gerrymander


  • Definition Categorical Argument
    • Title
    • Informal In-Text Citations
    • References
  • Definition Rewrite

Writing Tip

How to Write a Good Ransom Note

Ransom Snippet

Visual Analysis of One Second of Video

Visual Analysis of a Complete Argument

  • A Sample Analysis: Thai Life Insurance
    • Here we examine just 10 seconds of a 2-minute long-form commercial produced by the Thai Life Insurance company to promote the universal human good of doing small selfless gestures for others. How in the world is that supposed to sell life insurance?

Advanced Advice for your Visual Rhetoric Rewrite

  • You won’t need this yet, but when you’re ready to revise your Visual Rhetoric argument, you may benefit from reviewing feedback I have offered to students in earlier semesters.
  • Link to Revision Advice for Visual Rhetoric


28 Responses to 14 Class WED MAR 10

  1. carsonwentz1186 says:

    Overview of Gerrymandering and how it effects the national government
    Remember to properly categorize definition essay and rewrite
    Every paper needs a bold premise
    At the end of your research, your hypothesis should be proved through all of your research
    Unless there is a specific claim, you fail the clarity and specificity test for writing
    Using specific and bold claims is much more effective in persuasive writing
    Ransom Note activity
    Each timestamp should have a detailed description along with how you arrived at your view
    Deep dive in to how much information you can squeeze out of a 0:00 timestamp
    *This assignment is going to take awhile….


  2. johnwick66 says:

    Use bit.ly in order to shorten the links in my resources
    Make sure for the visual analysis to properly describe the video since the reader themselves won’t be watching it.

    A good argument
    A proposal argument, a ransom note is a pretty good example. It gives the reader two choices(either give the creator of the note what he wants, or risk losing whatever he’s taken from you)

    During the video analysis you must decide as you watch the video what’s important to include and what not to include.
    Video arguments focus on the most likely scenario happening. (the most obvious choices )


    • davidbdale says:

      A good observation, but not quite the way I would have phrased it:

      Video arguments focus on the most likely scenario happening. (the most obvious choices )

      Because they have only 30 seconds, the makers of these short videos COUNT ON VIEWERS to draw the most obvious conclusions from what they’re shown. Put a “father-aged” person together on the screen with a “daughter-aged” person, and viewers will assume they’re father and daughter unless they’re contradicted.


  3. imgoingswimming says:

    The warm-up today is Gerrymandering explained. Gerrymandering is drawing maps in a certain way that includes and excludes certain areas. We are looking for fairness in the way these maps should be drawn.
    We have writing which is how to write a ransom note. This is a proposal argument. We need to show step by step what we want them to do. We need to show what the consequences are. We see the two ransom notes and the second one is much more clear. This shows step by step what to do and what happens if you don’t do it.
    When we write based on the ad council video we have to be very descriptive. The way we should do this is by assuming the reader does not see the video so we describe every detail. In the video we looked at in class we describe the time of day by the color of the sky, the hue over the horizon, and the length of shadows meaning the sun is very low in the sky. What the outfit he wears on the beach, tells the time of year or time of day. The outfits maybe because it is cold out in the morning or it’s a colder time of the year. This is one second into the video and this is how much information we should have. Every detail matters.


  4. person345 says:

    Gerrymandering is drawing congressional maps unfairly so that they could get the majority. How To Write a Good Ransom Note. Hypothesis will turn into a thesis and is provable. Ransom notes have clear arguments. Ransom notes should not be misunderstood. Visual Rhetoric is an analysis of what readers cannot see. Father involvement video from the Ad Council. A man is playing with a beach ball during sunrise or sundown with a child. He is doing it for the child. Don’t mention the video title because it isn’t on video. No screencaps. Look at analysis of a Thai Life Insurance company for reference. Visual Rhetoric assignment is due @ 11:59 on 3/14


  5. -Gerrymandering is manipulating an election into favoring one party
    -The dominant party of the state gets to draw the legislative district map
    -Your readers only know what you’ve seen by what you tell them.
    -A good argument has a bold clear premise, step-by-step logical proof, and specific details to emphasize and illustrate the reasoning
    -Proposal arguments should remain goal oriented.
    -The one making the argument should provide you with the right details at the right time, rather than bombard you with information.


  6. compiistudent says:

    Notes 3/10
    Gerrymandering- trying to create something that doesn’t exist to fit your own needs.
    Any good argument must have a bold, clear premise, step by step logical “proof,” specific details to emphasize and illustrate the reasoning.
    Have to be very sepfic and not leave anything left to question in your essay, just like describing the visual ads.
    The guy on the beach has a ball, playing with his daughter. We can assume it is an early chilly morning since he’s dressed warmly. The sun is coming off the ocean so it would be sunrise if they’re on the east coast. He kicks the ball way up high over both of their heads, his daughter won’t be able to catch it.


  7. justheretopass says:

    -We went over housekeeping things
    We discussed how we need a definition and a definition rewrite essays.
    We need a title before
    -A Good Argument
    Should have a clear premise (thesis, hypothesis)
    Step by step logical “proof”
    Specific details to emphasize and illustrate the reasoning.
    Have to make your point. Have details and clarity.
    -We went over a video to talk about our Visual Rhetoric Argument
    We discovered that it is either sundown or sunrise
    They are on a beach
    A father figure and his daughter maybe playing with a ball
    You need to fully explain because if you state “guy with a ball” the reader could have so many options in their head. But if you state guy with black long pants and a black long sweatpants playing with a ball it gives your reader a better understanding.
    Add time stamps to help the reader.


  8. christianity19 says:


    • The best legislation is having each other’s point of view so that would have a voice in the process
    • We are looking for fairness and equity in our Presidential elections
    • Gerrymandering is forcing the blue wins larger then they are supposed to
    • Making sure that you are posting Definition and the Definition Rewrite and make sure that they have a title
    • References should be alphabetized and the Reference heading should be centered
    • Looking at a visual rhetoric on physical abuse
    • A good argument needs a bold clear premise (Thesis, Hypothesis), step-by-step logical “proof”, specific details to emphasize and illustrate the reasoning
    • Proposal Arguments should be goal oriented and should have a premise
    • That video shows that fathers are involved in the lives of their children
    • Provide the link of the video in the visual rhetoric assignment so that the professor can see what we are doing
    • Saw a 2 minute life insurance ad video on YouTube


    • davidbdale says:

      The only reason you get full credit for today’s Notes is these two items:

      —A good argument needs a bold clear premise (Thesis, Hypothesis), step-by-step logical “proof”, specific details to emphasize and illustrate the reasoning
      —Proposal Arguments should be goal oriented and should have a premise



  9. thecommoncase says:

    -Definition and Definition rewrite should be easy to find (check on rewrite)
    -Title should be same size as text
    -Remember if link is too long use bib.ly!
    -Using informal citations for our short essays
    -Your readers only know what you’re telling them, they have not seen the ad
    -All writing needs to have obvious characteristics; thesis/hypothesis, evidence, specific details to emphasize the reasoning
    -Points need to be made clearly and with bold, specific details
    -Need to have clear direction in your writing to get your goal across
    -Second ransom note is very direct and avoids being vague
    -Be sure to give specific details about the setting and the people you see
    -If it starts with a logo, it’s a commercial for a product
    -commercials make their claims obviously clear
    -Readers need to be able to visualize your visual rhetoric!
    -incorporate how the directors use ethos, pathos, logos
    -Watch videos without sound


    • davidbdale says:

      These are good to remember:

      —commercials make their claims obviously clear
      —Readers need to be able to visualize your visual rhetoric!
      —incorporate how the directors use ethos, pathos, logos



  10. icedcoffeeislife says:

    Wake up
    Gerrymandering is when you draw a map in an unnecessary way to create voting districts
    The party with move representatives gets to draw the map of where groups can vote.
    We just went over to see if we are making proper titles, informal citations, and references.
    Ransom notes
    A ransom note has a really clear argument to make, this kind of argument is a purposeful argument.
    You have to make your point, with bold and specific detail.
    We then analyzed an ad together as a class.
    When you a describing something make sure you are not vague because that makes it harder on the reader.
    We only know certain things when we know them from the video


  11. capched says:

    As said by google, Gerrymandering is to “manipulate the boundaries of (an electoral constituency) so as to favor one party or class.”
    When there is a 60 to 40 ratio of blue and red people, it’s hard to divide them in a way where there is equal footing. Either the side with 60 wins or, the 40 would win but in 1 way.
    Details are very important. Helps for the reader to illustrate in their head of what is going on
    Without details, the reader or whoever could be lost in trying to understand what’s going on. For example: The first note had lacked a goal. That’s one of the most important details because without a goal, there is no purpose for the existence of the note. The second note had a goal. And it had steps describing how the writer of the note wants to reach that goal. It’s less confusing.
    Find an “Ad Council” video on YouTube and describe everything for every second. Give descriptive detail. Find out the purpose
    Visual Rhetoric Argument Due March 15th 11:59pm
    The video of the man giving money and doing acts of kindness was very impactful. It really teaches you that you can be happy without money. It’s a life insurance ad.
    Look for hidden motives in videos


    • davidbdale says:

      I wouldn’t have recognized the centrality of the “purpose” message if you hadn’t singled it out, capched.

      Find an “Ad Council” video on YouTube and describe everything for every second. Give descriptive detail. Find out the purpose

      Good to see you back in class (and posting Notes!), but MY GOODNESS do you have some catching up to do.


  12. rowanrat says:

    -red tends to stay together and blue tends to stay together
    -three different ways of gerrymandering are
    1.perfect representation(3 blue 2 red)
    2.compact, but unfair(5 blue 0 red)
    3.neither compact nor fair(2 blue 3 red)
    -goes over the definition argument essays and what should and shouldn’t be included
    -writing tip: a good argument
    1.bold clear premise(thesis, hypothesis)
    2.step-by-step logical “proof”
    3.specific details to emphasize and illustrate the reasoning
    -chose a video
    -went over how to go about the assignment
    -don’t want to see the video. Want to read the description without having to watch the video first
    -after the video will be watched to see if it was viewed correctly


  13. honeysucklelilac says:

    Wake Up
    Gerrymandering Explained
    -division of legislative districts in a bizarre way
    Writing Tip
    – a good argument has a good, bold premise, provides step-by-step logical “proof” and there are specific details to emphasize and illustrate the reasoning
    -you need to make your point with bold and specific details, do NOT be vague
    Visual Rhetoric
    -describe what you see and what it means
    — example: the counter, condiments and menu holder tell us we could be in a diner
    -make sure you include the conclusion as well as why you think that
    -you don’t know what is important and what isn’t so make sure you include every detail


    • davidbdale says:


      —make sure you include the conclusion as well as why you think that
      —you don’t know what is important and what isn’t so make sure you include every detail



  14. kobebryant32 says:

    It all comes down to what party you are in
    Visual Rhetoric
    Describe what you see and what it means
    Bold Premise
    Conclusion and why you think that
    Step by step logical
    Watch videos without sound
    If there is a logo then it is a commercial


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