Annotated Bibliography: Nina

  1. Asch, D. A. (2017, May 23). The Role of Critical Care Nurses in Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide | NEJM. Retrieved from

Background: The conversation surrounding euthanasia and assisted suicide focuses on the role of physicians and critical care nurses. In this article, Asch conducted a study by mailing a survey to over 1600 critical care nurses and physicians to discuss the requests made by patients and other medical professionals to perform the procedure. As s result, only 1139 responded to the survey and of that, around 140 have stated that they have received requests from patients asking for permission to have the procedure done. Also in this article, more than the majority of those who responded to the survey, have not completed the procedure on someone or refused to.

How I used It: In my Rebuttal essay, I applied this source to my writing to show show the ratio between how many people volunteer for Physician Assisted Suicide and compared it to the number of medical professionals who have experienced completing the procedure. In my essay, I included that although states that allow assisted suicide and believe people have the right to decide if they want to die, many medical professionals have a hard time completing the procedure,

2. D’Antoni, T. (2014, October 26). Robert’s Story:Dying with Dignity (Improved video). Retrieved from

Background: This video highlighted the long and stressful, emotion filled process of assisted suicide performed by Robert Schwartz. He was diagnosed with AIDS and suffered several health issues because of it. On his journey through death. the audience views how stressful and problematic the procedure is for assisted suicide. Robert spent months down an endless road of pain and complications with in his family and his relationship altered his decisions.

How I used it: I used this source in my causal essay to show how at home situations, family and relationship issues play a huge role in a person furthering their decision to participate in assisted suicide. Robert was experiencing extreme distress when his lover began to mistreat him and when he continued to have surgeries and eventually the removal of his spleen due to his diagnosis of AIDS

3. Diekstra, R. F. W., & DIEKSTRA, R. F. W. (1995). Dying in dignity: The pros and cons of assisted suicide. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 49(1), S139-S148. doi:10.1111/j.1440-1819.1995.tb01917.x

Background: This article discussed the history of assisted suicide and how it is approached in the Netherlands compared to the U.S. The article also presents the audience with the results of assisted suicide and how it effects the general public.

How I used it: I used this article to refute any of my strongest arguments and found evidence from other scholarly articles to defend my position and have the audience agree with my reasoning due to imperial evidence supporting my claims.

4. Gopal, A. A. (2015, June 01). Physician-Assisted Suicide: Considering the Evidence, Existential Distress, and an Emerging Role for Psychiatry. Retrieved from

Background: This source defined what Physician Assisted Suicide is and the procedure. The text indicated the requirements and documentation needed to complete and qualify for this operation and the results recorded by physicians in comparison to the other states that comply with the Death by Dignity Law.

How I used it: I used this source in my definition categorical essay. I included the definition of Assisted Suicide and what needs to happen prior to the procedure in order to qualify. For example, a mandatory psychiatric analysis is needed to determine the mental state of the patient.

5. How to Access and Use Death with Dignity Laws. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Background: In the United States, there are a total of five states that have an active Death by Dignity Law. This law establishes the requirements and in details the process of how assisted suicide is planned. The age you must be eighteen years of age or older, and you do not have to suffer from an incurable disease in order to qualify, The website even included the process for individuals who didn’t live in states the Death by Dignity Law but want to go through the procedure.

How I used it: In my definition essay, I used this website to describe the differences between Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide. The process and laws for assisted suicide in America are more strict and requires months worth of paper work and application processing in comparison to other countries such as Belgium.

6. Nathansen, S. (n.d.). Act and Rule of Utilitarianism. Retrieved from

Background: The Utilitarian act demonstrates that human have a right to choose destiny for themselves. Humans are entitled to make choices that make them happy and puts them in a place of security. With this act, humans want the respect and of others to agree with their choice of life or death in the context of Euthanasia and assisted suicide,

How I used it: I utilized this source in my causal essay. In this essay I elaborated that many choose assisted suicide as an alternative rather than diminishing the problem less broad approach. This source helped me to prove that individuals will choose euthanasia because it is available, not because it is a last resort.

7. Peirce, J. (2011, November 29). Human and Animal Euthanasia: Dare to Compare? Retrieved from

Background: This article compares the differences between human and animals euthanasia. The difference is perspective shows how human and animals differ from one another when suffering from incurable diseases. The author distinguishes how vet hospitals and human care takers proceed euthanasia.

How I used it: I used this source in comparison to the youtube video I watched to refute the utilitarian act reason given by one of my biggest arguments. I had proven that although we don’t stress the fact that we euthanize animals just as much as we euthanize human, humans and animals are set a different viewpoint than animals. We are taught to not make animals suffer, and for humans, medications to cope with pain have been distributed to improve their well being,

8. Services, A. L. (2014, November 25). Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide FAQ – Video 1. Retrieved from

Background: This video answers frequently asked question regarding euthanasia and assisted suicide. The speaker talks about complexities between dogs being euthanized and humans being euthanized. The video stressed that we should value others opinions but also help those who suffer from incurable diseases that choose to die.

How I used it: In my definition essay, I defined what the difference is, in terms of morality, between how we treat animals who are euthanized, and how we treat human who choose to die due to illness. I also used this source in my rebuttal to include my solution to the issues surrounding how to help those who are clinically depressed find another alternative.

9. Smietana, B. (2017, August 23). Most Americans Say Assisted Suicide is Morally Acceptable. Retrieved from

Background: In this article, more than a third of Americans feel that people who suffer incurable diseases deserve to choose assisted suicide. The author argues that more people are willing to accept the fact that people with incurable diseases want to die.

How I used it: I used this article to coincide with the causal essay that individuals feel entitled to choose death over life because it is an option. This also goes with the idea of being utilitarian and making your own choices without looking at the alternatives such as modern medication.

10. Top 10 Pro & Con Arguments. (2018, September 10). Retrieved from

Background: This list of pros and cons helped determine the cause and effects of euthanasia and assisted suicide. The list included medical perspectives, legalization, financial issues, law changing ect. Arguments for or against euthanasia and PAS were displayed to show what would happen on either end of the spectrum, positively or negatively.

How I used it: I applied this source to figure out my strongest argument as well. I also applied this source through out all my written work to keep in mind the many different perspectives on this topic. I wanted to target any refutations that the audience would have against my position. With this article, any possible disagreement was countered with evidence based facts that would change the readers perspective.

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