White Paper- wafflesrgud

  1. Vitamins 
  2. Vitamins are not beneficial 
  3. The individuals who typically take vitamins get most of their nutrients from fortified food in their diet 
  4. The supplement industry does not care for the actual well being of the consumers 
  5. Food and Drug Administration does not regulate the labeling of supplements & all bottles have warnings on them that they may cause health risks 
  6. People who take vitamins without deficiencies will not reap any benefits.  

Working hypothesis: 

People who take vitamins without deficiencies will not reap any benefits.  

Purposeful summaries: 

The Hair Part Theory (True Mirrors)  https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1999/06/the-mirror-of-dorian-gray/377630/

It seems counterintuitive that we should know what our reflection looks like, but yet our own reflection in the mirror isn’t what the whole world sees. Our regular mirrors in our bedrooms, bathrooms and even the reflective ceilings in an elevator are the complete opposite of what is true. The Hair Part Theory helps support this idea that our regular mirrors are in fact not true mirrors. Your hair parted to the left of you is actually the right part in a true mirror. We should know ourselves best and what we look like, but in fact we are looking at a reflection instead of it’s transparency—just as the world views us. Look into a true mirror to gain a better understanding of yourself.

Multivitamins are harmful https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2012/03/econundrums-do-vitamin-supplements-work/ 

It seems counterintuitive that vitamins hold more harm than good when they’re in a market to do nothing but improve your health. The sole purpose of a multivitamin is supposed to provide nutrients that one may lack. However, these money sucking supplements could lead to adverse effects and do the opposite.  For example, the average person gets plenty of their recommended iron from rice, cereals, and bread—so why the multi? This could lead to unfavorable outcomes like increased risk of heart disease. So next time you see one of these overpriced “health foods” on the shelf, do yourself a favor and skip over them. 

Vancouver gives heroin to addicts to combat addiction https://www.pri.org/stories/2015-02-04/vancouver-combats-heroin-giving-its-addicts-best-smack-world 

It seems counterintuitive that Vancouver supplies free heroin to some of the biggest addicts in the area. These individuals harm themselves and society by staying addicted on the streets, robbing places for money and committing illegal sex crimes like prostitution just to get some “smack”. Does this program really help individuals overcome their addiction? Not necessarily. It simply sedates the person, and pushes the problem under the rug. The program and city are both selfish organizations. Instead of actually caring about the well-being of the person who’s slowly killing themselves with each passing needle, they care more about the effects it has on the local society and what the “beautiful” city streets of Vancouver look like. 

Current state of research paper:  

I am still trying to find a good hypothesis and see where my research on this topic will take me. So far, I like my stance on the vitamin topic, but I need to make sure that all of my points are unique and not redundant, as it is easy to repeat myself throughout the paper. I think I would benefit from another meeting (after I gather some more research on the topic) and have a meeting with Professor Hodges.

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3 Responses to White Paper- wafflesrgud

  1. davidbdale says:

    I just happened to see this note, Waffles. I’ll be happy to help you with feedback, but I might have missed this request for a long time since you didn’t follow the procedure of putting your post in the Feedback Please category. Let me show you exactly what I mean.

    I’ll drop the image at the bottom of your post. Let me know if you get it.


  2. davidbdale says:

    Now for some feedback.
    1. I’m confused.
    2. Why have you posted your 3 Purposeful Summaries exercise here?


  3. davidbdale says:

    I’m sure you’re right when you say, “I would benefit from another meeting (after I gather some more research on the topic) and have a meeting with Professor Hodges,” Waffles, but the White Paper assignment was to gather and summarize those first 5 sources. Odds are good that once you investigate 5 academic sources on your narrow topic, you’ll almost have to discover your hypothesis, if even by accident. Right now, this assignment is very much incomplete, and you’ll have a short argument due in a little over a week, so there’s not much time to be gathering your sources now. Make this complete by our class meeting on Tuesday.


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