19 Class MON MAR 29

Wake Up: How to Fix a Slogan


The National Science Teachers Association

“Working to Help Improve
Science Teaching Efforts since 2008”

  1. We want to improve teaching, not effort.
  2. We want to do the improving, not help.
  3. We want to show results, not work at it.

The National Science Teachers Association

“Better Science Teaching since 2008”

Even that doesn’t brag about the ultimate result, which would be more science LEARNING, wouldn’t it? No matter how well the Association improves teaching, if students don’t learn more science, it fails.

The National Science Teachers Association

“Our Students Learn More, and We Can Prove it.”


The National Science Teachers Association

“Demonstrably Better Learning since 2008”

The Rhetoric Unit

  • Rhetoric Workshop
    • Includes In-Class Rhetoric Exercise
    • Located in Lectures/Revision/Revision—Rhetoric
    • Due in class today

Home Reading for WED MAR 31

Home Reading for WED MAR 31
The Sources Unit

  • Sources Workshop Number 2
    • Responsive to Student X’s trouble finding academic sources
    • Located in Course Documents/Research Tips/Sources Workshop

26 Responses to 19 Class MON MAR 29

  1. johnwick66 says:

    NSTA: National Science teacher Association
    “Working to help improve Science teaching efforts since 2008”
    A confusing slogan. What its trying to imply
    1. We want to improve teaching, not effort
    2.We want to do the improving, not help
    3. We want to show results, not work at it

    A better option: “Our students learn more, and we can prove it.”

    Rhetoric workshop:
    Rhetoric workshop assignment due today in class
    Revision-rhetoric and scholarship due today in class

    You want to anticipate the most likely objection to your work might be.
    About a third of your readers are so entrenched in their ideas they won’t be budged regardless what you say
    Another third already agree with you, so try to make to present your best in term of supporting that idea
    You want to write your 3000 word essays like you can change public opinions.

    Rhetoric for refutation:
    When writing a rebuttal you need to acknowledge the opposing sides argument and be respectful of it, before destroying it.
    Recognize the strength of the counter argument
    Understand the flaws in the arguments of your opponents.


  2. thecommoncase says:

    -slogans are supposed to be summarize the results of your efforts
    -we need to find a way to dispute the claims of someone who’s argument you respect in a refutation argument
    -anticipate the most likely and most devastating refutation to our own
    -spend the 3,000 words in our essay as if you will change many people’s opinion by the end
    -our third short argument: rebuttal
    -we have to respectively destroy the rebuttal point of view
    -keep your reader entertained, don’t make them feel like they’re being dragged along
    -make your argument captivating and interesting (don’t write an entire argument about grass)
    -don’t have to give specifics on who is opposing your argument, just say “critics of medical marijuana”
    -you must show respect for the other point of view!
    -average outcomes do not matter in some arguments since the reader is not going to be affected by averages
    -you have to understand the flaw in your opposing argument and utilize it


  3. -If your students are learning, then you are properly teaching.
    -If it is clear to you that your opinion can be proven, then state it as fact and let your reader decide.
    -There’s no point in arguing against an argument that no one believes in.
    -You should argue the most devastating refutation to your own point of view.
    -About 1/3 of your readers are so entrenched in their point of view that nothing will convince them otherwise.
    -It takes about $50,000 to maintain a high school football field.


  4. honeysucklelilac says:

    Finish Causal Argument
    Wake Up: How To Fix A Slogan
    -The National Science Teachers Association “Working to Help Improve Science Teaching Efforts since 2008”
    -a terrible slogan really, you want people to know how good you are at teaching
    -they claim to be working, working on helping, helping to improve, there’s no claim that they are improving
    -“Better Science Teaching since 2008”, says nothing about the results of their teaching
    -“Our Students Learn more, and We Can Prove it.”
    -adopt the strategy of eliminating “it seems to me”, “it is clear”, “in my opinion” leave it to your READER to disprove you DON’T tell them that what you claim might not be true
    -there is no point in arguing a point no one believes in
    -you want to anticipate the strongest, most likely, most effective refutation to your own point of view
    – 1/3 of your audience will disagree with you no matter what
    – 1/3 of your readers will already agree with you
    – 1/3 of your readers are willing to have their opinion changed/don’t know what they think yet and you can change their minds
    -you must identify what your thesis is and what the greatest rebuttal is, respect it, then destroy it
    -recognize the strength of the argument against your thesis
    -it is true that… (the argument you’re trying to refute), but it is also true that… (a direct claim against the argument that goes against your thesis) SO it is true that (explain why the 2 are not correlated with each other) College Graduate example
    Complete Home Reading for WED


  5. imgoingswimming says:

    The wake-up today was by the National Science teachers association. The quote has been working to help improve science teaching efforts since 2008. The quote does not say that it is accomplishing anything, but rather the NSTA is just “working” on it.
    Some people will never be able to persuade us when we write our paper, another ⅓ will already be on our side. We must give these people more evidence they have possibly never heard of so our paper has worth to them.
    The Rhetoric Unit- A large takeaway relates to the NSTA example. We need to make sure our work sounds certain. If it does not clearly come across this way or leaves the reader guessing then we need to fix this.


    • davidbdale says:

      These are unique. Nobody else chose to record the advice that we can still help our allies by providing evidence THEY can use the next time they have to persuade a critic.


  6. person345 says:

    National Science Teachers Association motto not a strong enough claim. You want to say that your argument is true. Leave it to your readers to refute your argument. Anticipate the most likely and effective refutation to your argument. You have to respect your argument but destroy it when refuting it. Recognize strength against your argument. Examples of refutations on different topics. In class exercises about discovering refutations and figuring out the author’s argument. Take home readings for WED March 31st Revision-Rhetoric and Scholarship and sources workshop.


  7. compiistudent says:

    Notes 3/29
    How to fix a slogan:tell the truth, whats most effective, prefferably in as few words as possible. This is also a good way to develop a central argument. Want to anticipate the best argument against your claims. Have to be respetuful to opposing opinions, even though your goal is to refute it.
    Did in class excericises regarding claims and refuting claims. Listened to Cage The Elephant and other similar artists.


  8. christianity19 says:


    • If you don’t get better results out if your students then you don’t have good teachers.
    • The National Science Teachers Association “Better Science Teaching since 2008.”
    • You have to recognize the strength of thesis with your argument
    • Those tiny little contributions you add to an argument can change how your argument turns out
    • You want to energize your reader when writing when writing your argument
    • In one paragraph we revise the Rhetoric for Refutation and there was five examples of it.
    • People who get a degree in college get a higher pay raises than people who don’t go to college.
    • Did a two class exercises and discussing the Author’s Position, Worthy Opponent’s Argument, and The Rhetorical Strategy
    • Look at the Rhetoric and scholarship so that you can be ready for the next class


  9. rowanrat says:

    -every association has a logo
    -“Working to Help Improve Science Teaching Efforts since 2008”
    1. We want to improve teaching, not effort
    2. We want to do the improving, not help
    3. We want to show results, not work at it
    -anticipate the most likely and the most devastating objection to your point of view
    -the more work you give your reader, the more exhausted the reader will be
    -you want the reader to be energized while reading
    -you want to identify your point of view
    -you want to respect the opponents side before destroying it
    -Rhetoric for refutation identify
    -authors position
    -“your worthy opponent says”
    -the rhetorical strategy
    -we can indicate with signal phrases that we’re making a rebuttal argument without directly signaling “the biggest refutation to my hypothesis”
    -do in class exercises(complete rhetoric for refutation examples)


    • davidbdale says:

      Nobody else chose to record this note:
      —we can indicate with signal phrases that we’re making a rebuttal argument without directly signaling “the biggest refutation to my hypothesis”


  10. carsonwentz1186 says:

    How to fix a slogan activity (NSTA example)
    The whole meaning of a slogan can be altered by the simple phrasing and use of certain words
    A slogan should be a guarantee and not a “what if” like: “Working to improve”
    Your thesis should be something YOU truly believe, but should appeal to the readers objection
    There are always those that will always be entrenched in their own beliefs and you cannot convince them otherwise
    1/3 of your audience already agrees with you
    There is a ship stuck in the Suez Canal (News to me)
    All the ships stuck behind the massive ship can act as little contributions to your main argument in your paper
    The more work you make your reader do to understand while reading, the more likely you will be to exhaust them
    You must show respect for the opposing viewpoint of your claim
    The average income should not be important to YOU, the only thing that matters is YOUR income, not the average (average should not matter to you as a reader)
    In-class Rhetoric Exercise
    Do assignments for Wednesday


  11. justheretopass says:

    Opened up class on how to change the NSTA slogan
    Working to Help Improve Science Teaching Efforts since 2008 (Initial)
    This is a bad slogan because you’re leaving that slogan up to debate.
    You want to anticipate the most likely and effective refutation to your own point of view.
    The tiny little claims you make can turn an argument.
    Rhetoric for Refutation
    First you have to recognize the strength in the argument against your thesis.
    To make your rhetoric for refutation
    Author position
    What does the worthy opponent say
    Rhetorical strategy
    Explanation if needed
    We then did in class assignments on rhetoric for refutation


  12. icedcoffeeislife says:

    Wake up
    We talked about the national sciences teacher association and how we could fix their slogan.
    Where a teacher’s success is thought how their students are performing in the class
    Make sure that you are making your clearest claim, so your readers can refute it
    slogans are supposed to summarize the results of your efforts
    Rhetoric for Refutation
    You want to anticipate the most likely and most effective refutation to your own point of view.
    You need to anticipate what the adjective of your readers
    The tiny bit of information can turn a reader into your side of the arg
    You have to be respectful of the other person’s opinion, but then you have to destroy it with your argument.
    In theory, we are slowly chipping away at a 1,000-year-old tree.
    If you’re making a continual argument, you are going to have to prove your point
    Use your 3,000 words to entrench opinions.
    We did in-class exercises to help develop a better understanding of rhetorical refutation.


  13. kobebryant32 says:

    NSTA Warm Up
    How to fix a slogan
    Recognize strength of thesis
    Leave it to your reader to disprove
    You’re worthy opponent in any argument has the obligation to refute you if what you claim is true turns out not to be.
    Leave it to your readers to refute it
    There is no point and arguing against an argument that nobody believes in
    The legalization of medical marijuana would end the opioid crisis
    High School dropouts are not able to apply for 90% of the world’s jobs and this means that children from low income areas are denied a job that pays enough to support them
    The definition of rhetoric means the way you use language to appeal to your audience.


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