09 Class MON FEB 22


Wake up

Writing Mechanics


  • Another look at the Claim Types list
    • Claims defined and modeled using the article “Is PTSD Contagious?” as its subject matter.
  • Link to the Lasik Surgery Claims Demonstration
    • A lecture on claims that includes a chart for applying several claims types to your own hypothesis.
    • Hidden Link

Definition/Categorical Argument

  • Your Professor’s Model Definition Essay
    • Attempts to answer the question, “Does polio belong to the category of eradicable diseases?”
  • Model Definition/Categorical Essay
    • The editors of the New York Times defines a crucial constitutional term: protected class that deserves heightened scrutiny. 

51 Responses to 09 Class MON FEB 22

  1. davidbdale says:

    Nice work, oaktree.


  2. davidbdale says:

    These are especially good, cardinal.

    I notice the strong parallel between these two ways to phrase the same process:
    -First we limit terms of argument in definition section, making sure everyone knows what we’re arguing about. Then we talk about the possible effects of our argument. Then we propose solutions
    -Problem/solution/justification structure



  3. davidbdale says:

    I’m not sure that these Notes provide an essential function for reference LATER, but they show that you were engaged in an active process of paying attention to the material and turning everything into language as you proceeded.


  4. davidbdale says:

    Attended class.


  5. davidbdale says:

    I like your meaty notes on the lasik example.


  6. davidbdale says:

    If you ever return to these Notes for reference, you’ll appreciate me suggesting this change:
    Arguments need to be shaped to a certain argument
    Arguments need to be shaped to a certain AUDIENCE


  7. davidbdale says:

    Dayzur, I approve of Notes that, like yours, provide purposeful summaries of claims made in lectures.


  8. davidbdale says:

    Your brief analysis of resemblance earns you an extra point, blunt.


  9. davidbdale says:

    Attended class.


  10. davidbdale says:

    Just a little shy of full credit, corinne


  11. davidbdale says:

    We commonly believe that mirrors flip horizontally but if this were true then we would be upside down in our reflection.
    I hope these Notes are helpful to you, waffles. I confess they wouldn’t do me much good.


  12. davidbdale says:

    The rest of your Notes are mostly outline, BabyGoat, but these three observations, in which you explain to yourself the importance of the material, are enough to qualify you for full participation:
    —When writing, you should make specific details easier to follow because readers may not.
    —Claims: Placing the right claim at the right time can make the argument better.
    —Find out your audience and how to talk to them.
    They could be better phrased, but they do summarize important lessons. More of such work in future.


  13. davidbdale says:

    Interesting style. Ignores details and goes for an overall summary of important material.


  14. davidbdale says:

    What to do in a purposeful summary
    – Actually summarize
    – Don’t use “it’ or ‘this”


  15. davidbdale says:

    Good note:
    Explain yourself like the reader has no idea or has never heard of your topic
    Using IT and THIS can weaken your explanation leaving less room for important information that can be useful towards your argument and better understanding for the reader.
    Bad Note: Claim types cannot be one or the other in order to be a useful and strong point.


  16. davidbdale says:

    Solid work, shadowswife


  17. johnwick66 says:

    Mirror paradoc:
    Its hard to talk ourselves out of the illusion because when we wear shirts or anything with words on them and then go stand in front of a mirror, The mirror will then show the words on your clothes backwards, which for some people think it means the mirror flipped left to right. But thats not the case, it’s actually showing your reflection front to back.


  18. -Writing is recursive. You must learn from what others have to say, create a new point of view, and share it with the world. You also must learn from responses to your work. It is an ever improving process.
    -A mirror doesn’t flip from side to side, but it flips from back to back.
    -As long as you communicate what your purpose is, and place it into context that makes it easy to understand what the original author’s message was, then we have accomplished purpose and summary.
    -A rhetorical question is a “seriously dangerous rhetorical device.” They should be used very sparingly and only for a very good reason.
    -You lose control of a discussion when you start asking questions rather than making claims.
    -A persuasive essay is designed to change someone’s mind.
    -Our first five sources are due in bibliographic form on Wednesday at 11:59pm.
    -Claims are based on the grounds that supports them.


    • davidbdale says:

      I particularly like your definition of a Purposeful Summary, Pop.

      —As long as you communicate what your purpose is, and place it into context that makes it easy to understand what the original author’s message was, then we have accomplished purpose and summary.



  19. christianity19 says:


    • Feedback Please on the top of the course and it allows our professor to give feedback on our assignments
    • When posting something on the blog you need to select you name category and the category in which your the assignment that you have
    • We looked at Mirror Paradox with Cindy Crawford and Barack H. Obama that we don’t see the image side by side but, how our eyes see it horizontally
    • We need to be specific when we are writing so that we don’t fall into different writing traps that cause our reader to stray away
    • We looked specific details about iPhone and how when you Facetime a friend their mic and camera is on without joining the call
    • Rhetorical Question are dangerous because they invite to answer a open ended question and maintain the control of the conversation
    • Did three in class tasks about writing techniques that helps better our writing in the future
    • Pathos (Emotions), Ethos (Ethics), Logos (Reason)


  20. carsonwentz1186 says:

    Discussion of Zoom requirements
    It is very important to rewrite things and improve upon first drafts
    Mirrors do not truly flip left and right (Mirror Paradox)
    Mirrors flip front to back (Why?)
    What is the common misconception about mirrors? (Mirrors Post : answer)
    Efficient communication is the key to a well running society (use of language in a way reader does not loose interest)
    IT and THIS task (Specific Details)
    Rhetorical Questions to open essays are counterintuitive as the goal of writing a persuasive paper is to force YOUR opinion rather than allowing the reader to make up their own minds (Rhetorical Surrender)
    Evaluation of claims and types of claims
    Read final three pages of claims link for Wednesday


  21. imgoingswimming says:

    We need to use the feedback please option as the premise of the course is to rewrite.
    The warm-up assignment is pictures of Cindy Crawford and how mirrors are rotated. The reason is that it flips front to back.
    We see in our example that we need to show more detail, especially when sharing background information. We see the original essay is giving details that only the writer understands, but the reader is left confused and having to research these things themselves just to understand the essay. This is definitely something I will look for and it may be good to have people proofread before I submit to make sure they understand. A rhetorical question can be good in papers and should be used only when necessary. I tend to use these very often in the majority of my papers, but these questions can actually hurt your paper. This is especially the case in persuasive essays which we have the reader make up their mind before persuading them.
    We need to write our purposeful summaries for our five sources. For claims, we need to look for shared values when trying to persuade.


    • davidbdale says:

      You wander back and forth on Rhetorical Questions, Swimming. Really hard to tell which side you come down on. Are they useful? Dangerous? Do they “have the reader make up their mind before persuading them”? That can’t be good!


  22. justheretopass says:

    Opened up with house keeping on the blog.
    We talked about the feedback please category and how it works.
    You should add the feedback please tag before your grade
    Writing Mechanics
    We do purposeful summaries to let the reader know our purpose and place it into enough context so the reader can understand.
    Replace “It” and “This” in your work
    – The rhetorical question is a dangerous device
    They invite the reader to answer questions instead of telling the reader what you want them to think.
    When you ask a rhetorical question you are basically playing defense against yourself.
    Allow room for understanding between your reader and you.
    Claims are based on the grounds that support them


  23. person345 says:

    Putting work in “Feedback Please” allows the professor to give feedback to students on how to revise their work. The mirror paradox. Cindy Crawford has a mole on her left lip however, we do see it on the right. When Crawford looks in a mirror, she sees it on the left. A mirror doesn’t flip left to right, it flips front to back. We do purposeful summaries to make readers understand the point we are trying to make by summarizing key points in sources. Used Wazoo’s purposeful summary about a facetime bug as an example. It is important to communicate the right information from sources to readers. A rhetorical question is dangerous to use when writing. They prompt the reader to answer the question you are trying to ask. It makes up readers’ minds way before you make your argument. An argumentative essay is supposed to tell readers what is true about a certain topic. In a chessboard, white starts on offense, it can turn around and black could be on offense. Rhetorical questions stop persuasion. Don’t ask questions. For Wednesday’s class, look over model definition arguments. 1st draft of the White Paper is due Wed, 2/24. Find 5 sources and create a bibliography about them as well as purposeful summaries for each. Definition/ Categorial argument due next week. An essay will be based on Aristotle’s modes of persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Look over-exercise worksheet.


  24. icedcoffeeislife says:

    We talked about rewrites on feedback and that only two students have done rewrites. Then we talked about what rewrites are for and why we should take advantage of them.
    The wake up we did a mirror paradox, which was to question why the mirror flipped our image or why it does not flip our image upside down. We did an in-class assignment on the mirror complex tab of the blog.
    We talked about how to probably use it and this. Which is sometimes overused in our writing.
    When we write with it we have not to make sure that we give enough information so that our readers can understand what we are writing.
    Both of the in-class replies were to help us have a better understanding of what to look at rhetorical questions and looking at the specifics of using it or this.
    We finished class by looking over the assignment of our claims and looking at the definitions of different claims.


    • davidbdale says:

      Not exactly.
      The advice is to ELIMINATE “it” and “this,” all needless pronouns actually, that do not have clear antecedents. The model we examined in class replaced several instances of “it” and “this” with the specific details they neglected to name.


  25. rosekyd says:

    There is an optional feedback option for Stone Money, this is mainly to see the improvement of your writing and also the opportunity for a better grade.
    When we look in the mirror, things appear to be reversed from left to right, when we look at something or a person their left is our right and vice versa. Mirrors actually flip front to back as if you we looking at something from behind.
    Making sure you can communicate quickly and effectively is key in this modern day in age to keep the reader engaged as well as being able to convey the information as efficient as possible
    Being able to prove what our purpose is in a writing is key to also making the writing seem legit to the reader, allowing to also prepare a summary.
    In the article read in class the summary did tell us the information that we actually needed to validate the writers argument making it hard to be on the writers side.
    After seeing this example on being specific, it’s very important to make sure that the claims being made actually have validation within the writing otherwise it just seems false
    A Rhetorical question is a very dangerous because they invite the reader to answer the question you proposed instead of trying to tell the reader what is actually true in your writing. It gives the reader to have the chance to oppose your argument and now your being put on defense and also trying to win the reader back to your side.
    Persuasive essay is designed to change minds, not propose questions and enforce their opinions.
    Moral overtones aren’t something to put inside a persuasive piece because it makes you seem self absorbed


    • davidbdale says:

      Good Notes here, Rosekyd, PLUS several of your own ideas, spurred by classroom conversation. Good to see. Aside from that, though, your punctuation is all over the place. I can’t tell whether to attribute that to inability or just the casualness of taking notes for yourself. But be sure to punctuate well and use the best grammar you know when you post essays for grades.


  26. kobebryant32 says:

    Professor talks about students engaging in feedback conversations.
    Cindy Crawford- when we see her the image is basically inverted. Why doesn’t the image flip to us?
    A mirror shows a 1 to 1 correspondence.
    We all read from left to right, but when we read our Rowan shirts we read right to left.
    Mirrors don’t flip at all.
    Common misconception about mirrors is that they flip images.
    Facetime has flaws, one of them being that your mic and cam are activated before you consent.
    Rhetorical question is a seriously dangerous device.
    Much more likely to shoot yourself in the foot then to get your point across.
    They should be given to marksman (used only when necessary)
    Just an overall dangerous tool to utilize.
    Rhetorical questions beg the reader to answer.
    The last thing you want is for your reader to make up their own mind and concoct their own ideas.
    Keeping someone alive for them to suffer is counterintuitive.
    Asking a rhetorical question can put you on the defensive.


  27. thecommoncase says:

    -Important posts at top of the blog
    -mirrors do not flip left to right, they flip front to back
    -have to be specific, since readers don’t know as much as we do
    -if you’re going to use source material in your argument, you must share enough background info for the readers
    -summarizing efficiently is super important
    -try to avoid using “it” and “this” since they’re vague
    -rhetorical questions can make readers reject your argument before they even start reading
    -readers may try to answer your rhetorical question, and create their own opinion
    -do not give your readers any power, tell them what they need to know is true
    -always be on the offensive in your argument
    -there are many types of claims, not just ones on list
    -aristotle: ethos, pathos, logos
    -toulmin: came up with claims, and used grounds (evidence), and his arguments were based on warrants (values argument is based on)
    -not all claims need to be proved


  28. johnwick66 says:

    The top of the blog, the professor can pin posts where the post will stay at the top until the professor unpins it.
    Use the feedback tag more in order to help improve your writing.
    Mirror paradox: Why do mirrors flip the objects we see in them left to right?
    Answer: Mirrors don’t flip left to right. Instead it flips front to back

    Writing details: Beware of ITS and THIS

    Reason we do purposeful summary is so that we can give the reader enough background info so that the reader will understand our idea about what we are trying to get across by using the original article.

    Rhetorical questions actually beg the reader to answer your question. Which ends up putting you on the defensive, resulting in you having
    Your goal in writing an opinionated research paper(persuasive), is to get the reader to agree with your idea. Not to solidify their own ideas.

    Don’t ask for a opinion if your going to criticize it because it’ll squander your edge in writing about it.

    Allow room for an understanding between us and our readers which still gets us(the writer) what we want, while at the same time potentially changes the readers viewpoint on your writing.

    Remember: White paper first draft deadline: Wednesday Feb 24(11:59pm Tuesday)Make sure to properly collect your sources for it.

    Claims are always based on the grounds that support them(evidence we collect).


  29. metro111c says:

    Writing is a recursive process.
    The process is not supposed to wait till they get grades to change.
    If you post something and its not at the top of the blog you know there is a problem.
    Talked about Cindy Crawford mole because it indicates left and right in an images.
    The answer is a mirror doesn’t flip left to right. It flips front-to-back.
    There was a bug in apple iphones that turn the camera on when we make facetime calls before the person picks up the phone.
    If you make a accusation against a national corporation you have a obligation to share enough of the background info to prove that point.
    Author claims apple does this deliberately to make money off of their data they have acquired from spying on people.
    A persuasive essay is designed to change someone’s mind.
    Our first five sources are due in bibliographic form on Wednesday at 11:59pm.
    Claims are always based on the grounds that support them.


  30. mrmba1 says:


    **Make use of the “Feedback Please” section of the blog; this is a revision course, so always focus on improving your work through feedback and revisions.
    The Mirror Paradox
    – A mirror doesn’t flip left to right, but rather front to back
    Being specific – beware of IT and THIS
    – Share background information for the readers/ audience
    – Don’t leave your audience guessing as to what you’re talking about
    Rhetorical Questions in writing
    – “A rhetorical question is like a loaded gun”
    – Much more likely to backfire and shoot yourself in the foot
    – They invite the reader to answer a question rather than telling the reader what you want them to think
    – Tell your reader what is true rather than asking them what they think the truth is, and puts the reader on defense
    – ***Change minds through claims and answers, not questions
    Models of Arguments
    – Aristotle – logos, pathos, ethos (reason, emotions, ethics)
    – Toulmin – claims with evidence and based on values that rest on backing
    – Rogers – differences of opinions and finding common ground, comparative approach through shared values
    – When making arguments, understand your target audience. Different arguments may be more effective


  31. honeysucklelilac says:

    Wake Up
    -The Mirror Paradox
    –images flip horizontally instead of vertically, why?
    –it doesn’t it flips front-to-back
    Writing Mechanics
    -Specific Details
    –beware of it and this
    –not everyone is going to understand what you are saying unless you explain it to them
    –place what was said in another source into context as why it is important
    –what is it? what is this? define them and the relevance it has to the reader
    –share enough background information with your reader and if it is supported by the example you introduced
    -Rhetorical Surrender
    –to peak the reader’s interest early on
    –a really terrible way to start, beginning on the defensive, not a good strategy
    –this essay is yours, start strong, maintain control of the conversation
    –using claims is the best way to go about writing a persuasive essay, the goal is to change minds
    White Paper 1st Draft
    -brief summaries of 1st 5 sources
    -only do the purposeful summary, important information that’s relevant to your hypothesis only
    -look at claim types
    -claims are assertions open to challenge


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